Your Ideal Bookshelf

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Read Banned Books !

The ridiculous banning of books needs to stop, and I've made a bunch of things that help you express your concern about this, and find more great banned books to read. See them at my Ideal Bookshelf site.

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Hi, I'm Jane!

Jane Mount is an illustrator, designer, writer, and maker of things -- particularly things for people who love books. She is the creator of Ideal Bookshelf; the author and illustrator of Books Make Good Friends (Chronicle Books, 2023), and Bibliophile: An Illustrated Miscellany (Chronicle Books, 2018); and the illustrator and co-author (with Jamise Harper) of Bibliophile: Diverse Spines (Chronicle Books, 2021) and My Ideal Bookshelf (Little, Brown, 2012). She lives in a log cabin on Maui with her husband, three weird cats, and two dogs.

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Some Projects


I've been taking pottery classes for the past three years, just like everyone else and their cousin. I make a bunch of vessels, but also Ceranimals.

Other Illustration Work

I draw a lot of stuff besides books, often for clients, sometimes for myself, and you can see a bunch here. Is my work a fit for your next project? Let me know!

Recent Book Recs

I try to read a lot, and listen to audiobooks even more, and would love to tell you about some of the ones I've really loved over the past few years.

In My Studio

Whenever I have time, I paint on large canvases in my small studio area. I also have a lot of older work if you'd like to see it; I'll be adding it in here soon.

See the Magic Happening

I painted the cover of The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett (a truly excellent book BTW, read it!), to feature it in my new book with Jamise Harper, Bibliophile: Diverse Spines. Here's a very sped-up (I wish I could paint this fast!) time-lapse video of the process. I try to paint without any pencil sketch (except for the outline of the book shape) underneath when I can; it adds to the challenge and I learn more that way.


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